Rise as free people! #WurstingTroika #AusterityKills

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Rise as free people!

Who said Eurovision can’t inspire political action?
Check out this reinterpretation of last year’s winning song: Rise as free people!

Rise as Free People: Anti-austerity cover version of Conchita Wurst’s winning song for the 2014 Eurovision song contest.
Performed by Salva from Marea Granate Viena and The Dirty Hikers.

Video by Solidarity4all Vienna, Marea Granate Viena, Precarity Office Vienna.
Thanks to Griechenland entscheidet for the idea and to Яalph for the lyrics.

Waking in the rubble
Walking over glass
The Troika says we’re trouble
Well their time has passed
Fearing for the money
No this cannot be
A Grexit getting nearer
What can this spectre mean?

They wouldn’t hold us at all
From the odious debt we’ll fly

Rise as free people
Out of oppression
Seeking rather than justice
They are warned
Once you’re transformed
Once we’re reborn
You know we’ll rise as free people
But you are my flame

They go about their business
Of privatizing-fuzz
Everyone has witnessed
What they did to us
But you come to join us today
And you have got to see
To believe From the odious debt we’ll fly

Rise as free people
Out of oppression
Seeking rather than justice
They are warned
Once you’re transformed
Once we’re reborn

We rise up to the sky
They threw us down but
We’re gonna fly

And rise as free people
Out of the ashes
Seeking rather than justice
They are warned
Once you’re transformed
Once we’re reborn
You know we will rise as free people
But you’re my flame

Marea Granate - Viena

Contáctanos para tener más información en: viena@mareagranate.org o en este grupo de fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/JSF.MareaGranateViena/ Tenemos una lista de correo de trabajo y una newsletter donde puedes darte de alta. Nos reunimos en persona cada dos semanas, escríbenos si quieres más información.

View all contributions by Marea Granate - Viena

Website: http://www.jsfviena.net

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