853 132494

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Europäisches Spanisch verfügbar.

GT Voto

El Grupo de Trabajo del Voto, formado por integrantes de diversos nodos, comienza su actividad como respuesta a la falta de información existente sobre cómo votar desde el extranjero de cara a las Elecciones Europeas de 2014.

Llevamos más de un año empollando la legislación, escribiendo a consulados y embajadas de todo el mundo, denunciando irregularidades, facilitando información de plazos y procedimientos, haciendo el trabajo que las instituciones no hacen, respondiendo a un sinfín de consultas diarias y exigiendo a la Administración información clara sobre el proceso y la supresión del voto rogado.

Por todo ello, hoy Marea Granate es un referente en la denuncia del Voto Robado, así como en informar sobre cómo rogar eso que hasta 2010 era un derecho.

GT Voto
Marea Granate

View all contributions by GT Voto


  1. Peter Snyder 27/06/2024 at 12:15

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  5. CINTHIA 24/06/2024 at 5:17

    I felt so sad after I made some silly investment plans. I lost over $120,000 to this company called Tradixa. I couldn’t even tell anyone about what happened to me because I was so ashamed of myself until Jim a recovery expert from Recover Coin Rescue Team helped me recover all that was taken away from me and eventually exposed them to the authorities.(hackrontech @gmail com) and recover lost or stolen funds/coins.

  6. Ruth Seifu 21/06/2024 at 9:42

    Those who cheat on their partners who are loyal to them; don’t deserve them. It is a trashy attitude to disrespect a person who is loyal in a relationship, by cheating on him or her. If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool, realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserve. I’ve been bullied by my husband for months and this got me worried because he complains about every little thing I do in the house. I asked him what was wrong and why the change of attitude, he got no excuse for his actions. I took out time to observe his behavior and I got to know he’s been seeing another woman, a co-worker where he works. I needed solid and concrete proof of his cheating ways, a friend introduced me to an expert named Fred, I was able to reach out to him by mail:hack4techspy @gmail com He got into his phone remotely within a twinkle of an eye and I was able to see all his activities on his phone ranging from text messages, facebook, whatsapp, deleted messages, Images, call logs to social media activity. I concluded every man cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. Knowing is better than self doubt, get in touch with the real deal and get free from an abusive relationship.Email:hack4techspy @gmail com.

  7. FLORENCE PETERS 20/06/2024 at 12:35


    I from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Losing a BTC wallet can be a nightmare for anyone who has invested a lot in cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, I found myself in this exact situation a few days ago when I realized that I had lost my BTC wallet. The panic and anxiety that came with losing something so valuable were overwhelming, and I was desperate to find a solution. After extensive research, I finally decided to reach out to OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST, a recovery service that helped me recover my lost BTC wallet. I am a living testifier and I am putting this out here to anyone who also requires their service. They are fast and reliable

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  9. Peter 20/06/2024 at 0:47

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  10. Stella 18/06/2024 at 5:54

    Losing one’s Crypto currency to Scam Investment can be a devastating thing to experience, the fact that it is almost impossible to recover a Stolen or lost Crypto coin hurts more than anything. When a person gets scammed of their money while investing in a crypto currency platform the only thing they can think of is how to report the company and get back their money. Most victims of the scam contact their wallet account provider, their bank or the law enforcement, a few end up hiring a lawyer to sue the company but after all this stress they still can’t get their money back. For a fact, I’d state that, anyone who finds he or herself in a position, needing to get back their cryptocurrency from the bogus investment companies, should reach the Agency who are taking it to the chin by helping victims get their crypto currency back to their wallets. Best way to do this is by sending a mail to their support on:-hackrontech @gmail com

  11. LAUREN SAUNDERS 18/06/2024 at 5:18

    I never thought I could get scammed of my Bitcoin , I never new these investments were fake . I never knew I was getting lured into loosing my money , I was depressed and in anger but all thanks to hackrontech@gmail.com for the help and professional service offered to me in my time of need . Thanks to Kate for sending me this contact.(hackrontech @gmail com) he helped me recover my lost funds from Bitcoin investment . I couldn’t believe it .

  12. Nathalie Mayer 16/06/2024 at 20:37

    Fraudulent activities is been on a high recently with Bitcoin of which a lot people fall victim to it. When I think about my experiences I laugh a little but then I remember there are thousands of other people who are not as fortunate as I am. I invested in a fake crypto exchange platform that had the most attractive rates I had ever seen. In the end, I realized it was all a slap but I had lost almost $270,000. I got lucky to work with CYBERPOINT Recovery, who helped me recover the entire amount. All social media hacking, Whatsapp hacking, Facebook, bad credit fixing, credit card loading, clear criminal records, Bitcoin top up, should you suspect any. Simply contact: Email: (Support@cyberpointrecovery.com) Recovering from a hacking incident can be a stressful and time consuming process, but Remember to practice good cybersecurity hygiene, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication, to prevent future attacks. For your crypto loss and others get professional help from this source, CYBERPOINT Recovery expert and a computer repair technician expert. Be rest assured to claim your loss. Good luck.

  13. Andy Tom 16/06/2024 at 20:35


    Invertí con un corredor de criptomonedas sin una investigación adecuada para saber en qué estaba acumulando el dinero que tanto me costó ganar, solo para descubrir que era un engaño y una farsa. Invertí más de $495,000 USD estimados en 7,3 BTC. No pude realizar ningún retiro de mis depósitos iniciales y mucho menos de las ganancias que, según él, obtuve, incluso después de cumplir con las tarifas y cargos falsos que siempre solicita. Afortunadamente, conocí un asistente que es bien conocido como CYBERPOINT RECOVERY y son las mejores habilidades tecnológicas en programadores de recuperación de Bitcoin a través de investigaciones y críticas positivas que vi en Google. Después de un par de horas, consulté con ellos y en las siguientes 24 horas se recuperaron todos mis fondos, incluidas mis ganancias. No puedo agradecer lo suficiente a estos muchachos por hacerme no otra presa de estos estafadores. Gracias RECUPERACIÓN CYBERPOINT. Consúltalos a través de:
    Correo electrónico: (Support@cyberpointrecovery.com)

  14. Andy Tom 16/06/2024 at 20:35


    I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into, only to find out it was a hoax and sham. I invested over $495,000 USD estimated to be 7.3 BTC. I was unable to make any withdrawals out of my initial deposits let alone the gains he claimed I have earned even after meeting the bogus fees and charges he is always requesting. Fortunately, I got to know about a Wizard that is well know as CYBERPOINT RECOVERY and they are best tech skills in Bitcoin recovery programmers through research and positive reviews i saw on Google. After a couple of hours i consulting with them within the next 24hours all my funds were recovered including my profits. I can’t thank these guys enough for making me not another prey to these scammers. Thank you CYBERPOINT RECOVERY. Consult them via:


  15. Yissendy Trinidad 16/06/2024 at 7:14

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  17. Declan Brooks 15/06/2024 at 12:57

    I was just like other victims who had put my savings into an investment platform hoping to make huge profits until I was told to continue paying more without any returns. I initially invested a total of $250,000 over a period of 1 week with my broker. My bonus/profit was $480,000 and every attempt to make withdrawal failed and I was instructed to make another deposit of $250,000 before I can make any withdrawals which I did. 2 days later, I was still unable to make withdrawals and all attempt to contact the broker had failed. I would really consider myself to be one of the very few lucky ones as I was able to have my funds recovered from this scam Binary option brokers. This recovery specialist was fantastic in helping me recover my lost funds from these evil con-artists. I almost gave up but thanks to Spyhost Cyber Security Company for great job done. If you happen to be a victim like me, I’ll recommend you to contact Spyhost through their email at [Spyhost@cyberdude.com] or through whatsapp +1 (571) 478-7636 , you’ll get good reward and excellent job done.

  18. Anabel 15/06/2024 at 3:32

    Got to see all of my husband’s text messages, calls, and chats directly from my phone. For a long while now, I’ve been having trust issues with my husband, so I came on here in search for help on how to spy on him and after going through several reviews about Fred, I immediately mailed for help, surprisingly, after a few hours, he delivered without any glitch. Simply the best you can come across.you can reach out to him now on hackrontech @gmail com He would surely help.

  19. PAULA RICHARD 15/06/2024 at 3:22

    I want to publicly appreciate the effort of hackrontech @ gmail com for helping me hack my partner’s whatsapp messages without touching the target phone in less than 24hrs and my partner did not find out.. he is fast and highly reliable.. You all can also contact him for all sorts of hacking [whatsapp, kik, facebook, password recovery, chat histories, grade upgrade e.t.c]. just tell him joy refered you…he would be willing to help you. Goodluck.

  20. Peter White 15/06/2024 at 3:05

    I’m glad I was able to recover my stolen crypto after conducting enough research on how to recover crypto, I was lucky enough to come across Spyweb Cyber Security Service website, a professional and reliable crypto recovery company.
    I was conned by someone who contacted me on Instagram about a crypto investment scheme. I was naive enough to lose my entire savings to these con men. I was depressed and sad until my research took me to a website of Hackrontech Cyber Security Service, which was able to assist me and recover my stolen crypto, they were able to provide all the assistance I needed including tracking down those conmen who took advantage of me. Their service is truly reliable, I’m grateful to them. You can easily reach out to Hackrontech Cyber Security Service via the following

    E-MAIL — hackrontech@ gmail.com

  21. HALYNA 13/06/2024 at 3:25

    Is it your spouse cheating on you? Is your university score grades low? Do you want to recover your social media account? Do you want to recover your email account? Do you want to expunge your criminal record? Do you want to recover stolen data? Do you want windows hacking? those are just a few main services, there are plenty more they offer this might be happening to you, they are the only one that can help you in solving your most complex problems you can reach them for any types of hacking services online work, contact email: hackrontech @gmail com to get your job done clean and cleer.

  22. FLORENCE PETERS 13/06/2024 at 3:14

    Got to see all of my husband’s text messages, calls, and chats directly from my phone. For a long while now, I’ve been having trust issues with my husband, so I came on here in search for help on how to spy on him and after going through several reviews about Fred, I immediately mailed for help, surprisingly, after a few hours, he delivered without any glitch. Simply the best you can come across.you can reach out to him now on hackrontech @gmail com He would surely help.

  23. William Tang 11/06/2024 at 16:26


    Using Crypto Legitimate Recovery has a lot of advantages. First and foremost, victims can rest easy knowing that there is a possibility of getting their lost money back. Second, by holding con artists responsible, victims can aid in the battle against cybercrime and stop others from becoming victims of the same schemes. Ultimately, victims can avoid wasting time and effort trying to retrieve their money by using Crypto Legitimate Recovery Services. With Crypto Legitimate Recovery experience, victims can feel certain that their case is in capable hands even though recovering lost assets can be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. They can be reached through the link below.

    Email: crytolegitimate@hotmail.com

    TELEGRAM: @cryptolegitimate

    You can also contact them for the service below

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