Film series: In a strange land

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Marea Granate Brighton is screening the documentary ‘In a strange land’ on Sunday 12 of November at Cowley Club (12 London Road).

Iciar Bollain directs this documentary about the experiences of people from the Spanish state who have had to emigrate to other countries because of the crisis. Gloria is one of the 700,000 people who have left our country since the beginning of the crisis. Almeriense of 32 years, a teacher without a position and saleswoman in a store in Edinburgh for two years, Gloria and the collective that she has promoted start up an action with the motto “Neither lost nor silent”, expresses her frustration and give visibility and voice to the more than 20,000 Spanish who live in the capital of Scotland and who want to participate in the initiative. Released at the San Sebastian Film Festival in 2014, Iciar Bollain’s debut in the direction of documentary feature films is nominated for three Goya awards: best film, direction and documentary film.

The language of the film will be Spanish with English subtitles.
It is free and after the screening we will enjoy with a delicious vegan dinner.

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MG Brighton

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