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Dear feminist friends and comrades,


On March 8th 2017, hundreds of thousands women went on international strike to denounce the different types of violence that the patriarchal system exerts on us. We stopped working, gave up caring and stopped buying. We went out and crowded out the streets. From Argentina to Australia, we joined our voices in a common cry for the right of living free from patriarchal violence and to demand real equality, equal rights and opportunities as well as visibility for women and their contributions to society.


After this success, feminist collectives in Spain are working together in order to organise hacia la huelga feminista movement, based on the inspiring experience from last year: an 8th march 2018 International Feminist Strike.

A few months ago we started to meet and prepare the demonstrations in the Spanish State and coordinate feminist movements from different regions.

The aim is to hold a strike in four different fields of the social life:


Housework and care strike (private field)

Labour strike (public field)

Consumers strike (public field)

Students strike (public field)


We are the feminist workingroup of Marea Granate, an international grassroots movement of Spanish migrants with presence in different countries around the globe. Therefore we are useful, linking feminist collectives all over the world to join in and get involved 8th march 2018 International Feminist Strike. We contacted you to invite joining in and spread out to mobilise women in your areas or regions.


Our vision is to combine street demonstrations and symbolic actions to underline our point: the world doesn’t go without women and the actual system of oppression on women must stop. We would also like to emphasize the household labour and carie strikes. It should be a day in which no woman would cook, look after children or elderly, clean, purchase products, go to work, etc. In order to reach a huge impact and fulfill our demands successfully, it is necessary to go big and international for real.


After the sexual scandals that have come into the spotlight this year, the massive demonstrations against femicides and patriarchal violence (#NiUnaMenos), Women’s Marches and later on #MeToo have become a global cry in many countries and many professional sectors. Many women (and many men) are waking up to feminism. Our voice is starting to be heard loud and clear, and we are powerful and more united than ever before. This is our moment.


We ask you as collectives and individuals to gather us and start working together. For this huge enterprise, the point would be to coordinate your actions for 8th March 2018, and other initiatives to do something big together.

So far we are in touch with comrades from Argentina, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Sweden, Greece, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, the United States, etc. that are interested in joining for 8th march 2018 International Feminist Strike.


In order to start discussing specific actions and a common strategy (including a common international slogan), we  invite you to the Facebook group we have created for that purpose. We are carrying out a virtual meeting for mid-January (probably on Saturday, 20th (details will be announced in our Facebook group) to share ideas, organise the movement and involve all participants to draw the project for 8th March 2018 International Feminist Strike. Let’s make History together! (or should we say: HERstory 😉


We invite women and  feminist organizations to join 8th March 2018 International Feminist Strike. Together we are unstoppable!


Looking forward hearing from you.


In sorority,



Marea Granate

View all contributions by Marea Granate

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