Fuck Trump: fuck sexism and racism

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The president of United States is visiting London the 12th of July. Donald Trump has to feel that him and his policies are not welcome. A wave of demonstrations will be held all around and Brighton and Hove has to show its anger and solidarity.
Anger for the fascist policies he is implying, anger for all the hatred the goverment of United States is trying to spread among its citizens.Our economic problems will not resolve by blaming those at the bottom, inequalities come from the top.
But we have also to come together to show solidarity. Solidarity with all the women who suffer for having a sexist president. Solidarity with the working class migrants that are seeing how their families are falling apart. Solidarity with the environment and the earth, which does not deserve that the most powerful goverment of the world denies the changing climate.

There is an alternative to his hatred, our Solidarity.



MG Brighton

View all contributions by MG Brighton

Website: https://mareagranate.org/en/category/global/uk/brighton/

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