#DíaDeLxsAmordazadxs: intervención de Marea Granate en la lectura del manifiesto en Sol

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Hoy somos muchas aquí, muchas. Sube la marea desbordando las fronteras de esta plaza, y llegando a Lima, Montevideo, París, Bristol, Viena, Stuttgart, Estrasburgo, Marsella, Praga, etc. Esta voz que escucháis ahora, es la voz de los ciento de miles de personas a las que este gobierno, que quiere matar ya muerto, ha echado y que se fueron sin olvidarse de meter en la maleta las ganas de seguir luchando contra esa violencia, capaz de golpearte en todas partes.
Allí donde estamos, contamos lo difícil que en nuestro país nos ponen votar, que han fulminado la sanidad universal, que quieren prohibir las manifestaciones ante el Parlamento, que no quieren que se grabe a la policía abusando en las calles, que los casos de corrupción suman y siguen multiplicándose, que la educación pública agoniza, que el desempleo, que la pobreza infantil,  que los desahucios… que la valla, las cuchillas y las pelotas de goma… que será delito ayudar a las que, igual que nosotras, llegan solas a unas calles que no conocen… y entonces nos preguntan de  qué dictadura nos hemos exiliado.
Y las que tanto quieren ocultar y tapar, las culpables, nos acusan diciendo que al contarlo ensuciamos la Marca España. Sabrán ellas lo que nos duele esta España, que es también nuestra  haya donde estamos. Una España libre que defendemos ahora para poder volver después.
Os damos las gracias por seguir resistiendo y luchando. Vuestra fuerza es nuestra fuerza. Estamos #DesdeTodasPartes con vosotras. De Norte a Sur, de Este a Oeste, de todo el mundo, la lucha  sigue cueste lo que cueste.

Vídeo de la Intervención de Marea Granate, a partir del minuto 5.45:

Resumen del manifiesto de No Somos Delito en inglés (para leerlo en castellano, pincha aquí):
Maybe you are wondering why we are gathered here. We are people from Spain who were forced to leave our countries due to the economic crisis.

The Popular Party (PP) recently approved what they call the “Law of Citizen Security”, which is more widely known as “The Gagging Law”. This law, which is only supported by the insignificant 7% of the population, is aimed to make us feel fear of exercising our rights and tries to do that by exorbitant fines.

Social movements, human rights organizations, judges, lawyers, the rest of the political parties, European Council’s counsellor of Human Rights, United Nation’s freedom of speech and assembly rapporteurs, all of us have clearly expressed our refusal to this “Law of Citizen Security”. Here are some examples of what is coming:

  • For participating in an assembly in a square, climbing a building or monument, or being inside a squatted space, we could be fined 600€.
  • For demonstrating in front of the congress, trying to avoid a house eviction, occupy a bank office or spread police images, the fine could go up to 30,000€.
  • Fines could go up to 600,000€ if the assembly or demonstration is not informed to the authorities or prohibited, in facilities where basic services are provided.
  • It includes other terrible human rights violations. It will be possible to return people automatically and without any warranties from Ceuta and Melilla (they belong to Spain) to other countries in Africa. This goes against European laws and international treaties. It can’t be tolerated that frontiers are above human rights.

The government keeps speaking about citizen security. Security is when we have access to fundamental rights like decent housing, a public education and health system for everyone, decent salaries, access to culture… right now, nothing of the above is been guaranteed, conversely it is being taken from us. Spain is becoming a country where the inequality is growing and the rich people are now richer than ever.

We believe that Democracy is to Protest against what you don’t agree with, Democracy is to Raise your voice with Freedom, Democracy is Rebellion against unfair laws. That’s why today we demonstrate against this tyrannical law which brings us to dictatorship times.


Marea Granate

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