853 132494

Si tienes pasaporte o DNI español, vives en el extranjero y quieres ejercer tu derecho a voto en las elecciones generales el próximo 20 de Diciembre de 2015, tienes varias opciones en función de tu situación administrativa actual.


Elecciones GeneralesCASO 1: Aún no me he inscrito en el Consulado:

Opción A: si voy a viajar a casa por navidad, planear las fechas de forma que pueda votar en urna el 20D en mi colegio electoral.

Opción B: inscripción ERTA, teniendo en cuenta desplazamientos, el ruego es presencial, el voto es por correo (no en urna), si vives en otro continente puede que lleguen tarde las papeletas o tu voto.

Opción C: inscripción CERA, solo si llevas más de un año residiendo en el extranjero porque podrían negarte la inscripción ERTA en el consulado. IMPORTANTE: Esta inscripción sólo debes hacerla durante la semana que se reabre el censo para reclamaciones (2-9 noviembre).


CASO 2: Ya me he inscrito como:

— Residente (CERA)

El censo es el vigente a 1 de agosto, si te inscribiste después ¡RECLAMA! 

Opción A: voto desde el extranjero.

1) Revisa tu inscripción en el censo en el consulado del 2 al 9 de noviembre, y si hay un error, reclama.

2) Ruega el voto entre el 28 de octubre y el 21 de noviembre.

Con certificado electrónico. Deberás acceder al trámite “Solicitud voto CERA” en la dirección https://sede.ine.gob.es mediante un certificado electrónico reconocido asociado a tu Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI).

Con la clave de tramitación telemática (CTT) que te remitirán por correo postal al domicilio donde estás inscrito. Deberás acceder al trámite “Solicitud voto CERA” en la dirección https://sede.ine.gob.es/Solicitud_voto_CERA mediante la CTT, seguir las instrucciones que se te presenten y adjuntar el fichero de la imagen de UNO de estos documentos: DNI, pasaporte, certificado de nacionalidad española o certificado de inscripción consular.

3) Envía el voto por correo a tu consulado hasta el 15 de diciembre, o vota en urna en el consulado entre el 16 y 18 de diciembre.

Opción B: voto por correo desde España, tiene que solicitarse en persona en cualquier oficina de correos y como mínimo 10 días antes de las elecciones.

IMPORTANTE: si ya estás inscrito como CERA no puedes votar en urna en tu ciudad el 20D aunque estés allí ese día porque ya no figuras en las listas (no estás empadronado allí)

— No Residente (ERTA)

Opción A: voto en urna en España. Si vas a viajar a casa por navidad, puedes planear las fechas de forma que puedas VOTAR EN URNA el 20D en tu colegio electoral. Para ello NO DEBES rogar el voto en el consulado, si lo haces no podrás votar en España.

Opción B: voto desde el extranjero.

1) Ruega el voto en el consulado entre el 28 de octubre y el 21 de noviembre.

2) Vota por correo. La fecha límite para enviar tu voto es el 16 de diciembre.


Comienzo del ENVÍO DE PAPELETAS desde España

(afecta tanto a CERA como a ERTA)

Si NO hay impugnación: 30 de noviembre

Si hay impugnación: 8 de diciembre

¡Si hay impugnación las papeletas tienen sólo 7 días para llegar!

GT Voto

El Grupo de Trabajo del Voto, formado por integrantes de diversos nodos, comienza su actividad como respuesta a la falta de información existente sobre cómo votar desde el extranjero de cara a las Elecciones Europeas de 2014.

Llevamos más de un año empollando la legislación, escribiendo a consulados y embajadas de todo el mundo, denunciando irregularidades, facilitando información de plazos y procedimientos, haciendo el trabajo que las instituciones no hacen, respondiendo a un sinfín de consultas diarias y exigiendo a la Administración información clara sobre el proceso y la supresión del voto rogado.

Por todo ello, hoy Marea Granate es un referente en la denuncia del Voto Robado, así como en informar sobre cómo rogar eso que hasta 2010 era un derecho.

GT Voto
Marea Granate

View all contributions by GT Voto


  1. stella 15/05/2024 at 17:56

    Trusted Cryptocurrency Recovery Specialist / A1 WIZARD HACKES As someone who unfortunately found themselves in the distressing situation of losing access of their cryptocurrency assets, I cannot speak highly enough of A1 WIZARD HACKES . From the moment I reached out to them for assistance, I met with professionalism, expertise, and a genuine commitment to helping me recover my lost funds. What impressed me most about A1 WIZARD HACKES with their transparency and clear communication throughout the entire process. They took the time to thoroughly assess my situation, listening attentively to my concerns and providing reassurance that they would do everything possible to assist me. Overall, my experience with A1 WIZARD HACKES was nothing short of exceptional. They truly are specialists in their field, and I cannot thank them enough for their assistance. If you ever find yourself in need of cryptocurrency recovery services, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to A1 WIZARD HACKES . They are trustworthy, reliable, and undoubtedly the best in the business please contact them on email below :

    E-mail : A1wizardhackes@cyberservices.com
    whatsApp : +1 678 439 9760
    Telegram : @A1wizardhackes

  2. Watsonbull 14/05/2024 at 18:32

    I’ll advice you to use the services of a reliable IT expert / Recovery expert to help you retrieve all your lost or stolen bitcoin on the bitcoin network from scam brokers and fake investment platforms (Websites, blogs and forums). Her services are outstanding and you can contact him at Lisatheo225 @gmail com Perfectly quintessential service. She can help you track and monitor a suspected cheating spouse.. She can help you recover all stolen and lost funds. recovery is the real deal.

  3. Twin Cent 13/05/2024 at 15:17

    Best Crypto Recovery Services – Go to OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST

    OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST offers a comprehensive range of services, including the retrieval of lost crypto wallets. One of the primary concerns for cryptocurrency holders is the potential loss of access to their digital wallets, which can result from various factors such as forgotten passwords, hardware malfunctions, or other technical issues.

    OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST can trace lost or stolen funds and facilitate the recovery process for affected individuals. This expertise in recovering stolen cryptocurrencies, combined with a proven track record of success and unmatched customer service, positions Omega Crypto Recovery Specialist as a top choice for individuals seeking assistance in recovering their digital assets.
    Learn more; omegarecoveryspecialist .c o m)
    Call / Text; +1 (701, 660 (04 75
    E-Mail; omegaCryptos@consultant .c o m)

  4. Credito sicuro e veloce: richardcosmos5@gmail.com 12/05/2024 at 13:13

    Offerta di prestito aziendale, prestito immobiliare, prestito personale Contatto e-mail: richardcosmos5(a)gmail.com

  5. Richard 12/05/2024 at 13:12

    Gentile Cliente,

    Hai bisogno di un prestito personale, di un prestito di investimento, di un prestito per le vacanze, di un prestito aziendale, di un prestito studentesco, di un mutuo per la casa o di qualsiasi altro prestito? Offriamo prestiti con un tasso di interesse del 2%. Offriamo prestiti convenienti da 2.000 a 10.000.000 di euro. Per maggiori informazioni contattateci via email: (richardcosmos5@gmail.com).

    Offerta di prestito urgente.

  6. Charles Beagles 08/05/2024 at 10:59

    Hello everyone, the world of cryptocurrency can be a scary place to navigate, especially when large sums of monies are on the line. In the wake of losing access to my Crypto trading accounts due to a phishing email mishap, I found myself in a state of panic and despair. It was a terrible experience and I thought I had no choice left. While pacing back and forth, I searched for some cryptocurrency recovery companies online and read customers recommendations and reviews. After doing some diligent researches, I found the services of IRON CLAD CYBER RECOVERY EXPERTS worthwhile. With their sophisticated and robust technological firewalls, my case was investigated and IRON CLAD CYBER RECOVERY EXPERTS was able to recover my stolen cryptos in less than 72 hours. Their performance was technically satisfactory. Their efficiency and commitment to customers is truly unmatched. I appreciate them for their help. And I wish to recommend them to everyone out there caught up in systemic scams. Please contact IRON CLAD CYBER RECOVERY EXPERTS for timely recovery.
    Email Address: Ironcladcyber@techie.com

  7. Lloris Lloris 07/05/2024 at 19:25

    HackSavvy Technology: A Miracle of my 21,000$ bitcoin Recovery

    I never thought I would see my beloved bitcoins again after the devastating hard drive crash that wiped out my entire digital wallet. Over 21,000 bitcoins, gone in an instant. Years of investing and mining, vanished without a trace. I was devastated beyond words. Those precious coins represented my hopes and dreams – early retirement, financial freedom, and security for my family. After the crash, I frantically searched for data recovery experts, desperate to salvage my priceless crypto cache. One by one they came back empty-handed, unable to break through the corrupted drive’s encrypted barriers. My hopes faded as each recovery attempt failed. Then I found HackSavvy Technology. Their cryptographic data retrieval technology worked magic, carefully reconstructing the damaged drive’s firmware layer by layer. Their patient, brilliant engineers never gave up, delicately unraveling the intricate encryption like master locksmiths. After weeks of round-the-clock work, HackSavvy Technology emerged triumphant. My jaw dropped as I saw the recovery totals: 21,543 bitcoins found! It was a miracle – my life’s work was restored in full. I wept with joy as I sent heartfelt thanks to those HackSavvy Technology magicians. With my bitcoins back, my dreams are alive again. I owe everything to HackSavvy Technology and their miraculous crypto treasure resurrection. My financial future is secured thanks to their techno-sorcery. They are the heroes who brought my bitcoins back from the virtual grave. I am forever grateful. Get HackSavvy Technology on your side by emailing: contactus@ hacksavvytechnology .com and contacts by WhatsApp : +7 999 829‑50‑38 .

  8. Lloris Lloris 07/05/2024 at 16:45

    HackSavvy Technology: A Miracle of my 21,000 bitcoin Recovery

    I never thought I would see my beloved bitcoins again after the devastating hard drive crash that wiped out my entire digital wallet. Over 21,000 bitcoins, gone in an instant. Years of investing and mining, vanished without a trace. I was devastated beyond words. Those precious coins represented my hopes and dreams – early retirement, financial freedom, and security for my family. After the crash, I frantically searched for data recovery experts, desperate to salvage my priceless crypto cache. One by one they came back empty-handed, unable to break through the corrupted drive’s encrypted barriers. My hopes faded as each recovery attempt failed. Then I found HackSavvy Technology. Their cryptographic data retrieval technology worked magic, carefully reconstructing the damaged drive’s firmware layer by layer. Their patient, brilliant engineers never gave up, delicately unraveling the intricate encryption like master locksmiths. After weeks of round-the-clock work, HackSavvy Technology emerged triumphant. My jaw dropped as I saw the recovery totals: 21,543 bitcoins found! It was a miracle – my life’s work was restored in full. I wept with joy as I sent heartfelt thanks to those HackSavvy Technology magicians. With my bitcoins back, my dreams are alive again. I owe everything to HackSavvy Technology and their miraculous crypto treasure resurrection. My financial future is secured thanks to their techno-sorcery. They are the heroes who brought my bitcoins back from the virtual grave. I am forever grateful. Get HackSavvy Technology on your side by emailing: contactus@ hacksavvytechnology .com and contacts by WhatsApp : +7 999 829‑50‑38 .

  9. Michael McNiel 07/05/2024 at 14:01

    The world of cryptocurrency can be a scary place to navigate, especially when large sums of money are on the line. My unfortunate experience was when I lost access to my Bitcoin of over $211,000 worth of digital currency. In a moment of carelessness, I deleted the wallet and could not retrieve my private key to gain access again. Panic set in as I realized my hard-earned crypto savings could be lost forever. In desperation, I turned to Daniel Meuli Web Recovery, a tech wizardry company specializing in retrieving lost cryptocurrency wallets. After explaining my plight, they sprang into action, tapping into their arsenal of cyber magic to break the cryptographic spell locking away my Bitcoin. It was an intricate process involving advanced data recovery algorithms to salvage deleted files and brute-force cracking of encrypted passwords. The tech wizards worked tirelessly through the night as I anxiously awaited word of my Bitcoin’s fate. Finally, after an eternity, I received the glorious news that my wallet had been recovered! $211,000 worth of Bitcoin had been brought back from the brink of the blockchain abyss. I was overcome with relief and gratitude for the real-life cryptocurrency magicians at Daniel Meuli  Web Recovery. Thanks to their tireless efforts, I could now sleep soundly knowing my Bitcoin savings were once again safe and secure. Truly, these tech experts cast an amazing spell of cyber recovery to retrieve my small crypto fortune. With trust restored and lessons learned, it’s time to explore new opportunities for future investments. By approaching cryptocurrency with a fresh perspective and informed decision-making, individuals can seize potential growth and returns. Through the challenges of loss and recovery, one can embrace a renewed sense of security and control. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery’s intervention can restore confidence and empower individuals to navigate the cryptocurrency landscape more resiliently. Talk to a rep of Daniel Meuli  web recovery with:
    WhatsApp user   + 3 9 3 5 1 2 0 1 3 5 2 8   Website user danielmeulirecoverywizard. online

  10. Bryan Harrysmith 06/05/2024 at 6:34

    I was so impatient to carry out some necessary research about crypto training and investing buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 65,000 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 240,000 GBP within a couple of weeks.
    But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and notice my account suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I could not afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recover my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online research, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with help of wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com.
    So I file a report and they were able to help me get back all my lost funds within 24hrs.Am indebted to them, apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium to recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary option forex, investment and any other form of online scam, reach out to
    WhatsApp +1(321)3890598
    Telegram +1 513 602 3179

  11. Bryant Harrismith 05/05/2024 at 20:48

    I was so impatient to carry out some necessary research about crypto training and investing buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 65,000 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 240,000 GBP within a couple of weeks.
    But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and notice my account suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I could not afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recover my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online research, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with help of wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com.
    So I file a report and they were able to help me get back all my lost funds within 24hrs.Am indebted to them, apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium to recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary option forex, investment and any other form of online scam, reach out to
    WhatsApp +1(321)3890598
    Telegram +1 513 602 3179

  12. Johnson Milner 05/05/2024 at 14:05

    I want to introduce you all to the best private investigators on the planet working with them was an eye opener for me and i was left shocked, get in touch with Premiumhackservices@gmail.com, Whatsapp +14106350697 and you will be surprised with the result i can bet on that.

  13. Amelia Hensworth 02/05/2024 at 19:29

    Spyhost Cyber Security Company , in fact, never disappoint. Few weeks ago, I did invest $320,000 in bitcoin with a phony company. A few days after I made the investment, I was shocked to discover on my dashboard that it had climbed to almost $420,000. Never knew my happiness was about to diminish as I attempted to withdraw the money and was turned down. I repeatedly emailed help, but they never got back to me. I decided not to let that get away from me and started thinking of methods to get back what was properly mine. On social media, I came across folks who had also been duped by a similar investment fraud and had successfully retrieved their money via Spyhost Cyber Security Company . The experts at Spyhost Cyber Security Company are excellent and their top notch hacking prowess was proven of which I am now a living testimony because all my invested funds were recovered within 48 hours. If you want to recover money/ lost digital assets from con artists, consider using Spyhost Cyber Security Company. For additional information about their services, reach out to them through the contact means below;
    Email; Spyhost@cyberdude .com

    Whatsapp: (571) 478-7636

  14. oliver william 02/05/2024 at 1:43

    My Experience Hiring the Top Crypto Recovery Expert. Vacumm Cyber Hack recovery:

    It all began with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I discovered that my cryptocurrency assets were inaccessible, seemingly frozen due to a cyber incident. Amidst the panic and uncertainty, I turned to Vacumm Cyber Hack Recovery for help, and they were an absolute lifesaver.

    Their approach was nothing short of impressive. They started by conducting a thorough analysis of the situation, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to understand the root cause of the issue. Their expertise was evident from the get-go, as they navigated the complexities of blockchain technology with ease.

    What truly stood out was their commitment to personalized service. They took the time to listen to my concerns and tailor their approach to suit my specific needs. Their transparent communication throughout the process provided much-needed reassurance, keeping me informed every step of the way.

    But it wasn’t just their technical prowess that left me in awe—it was their unwavering dedication to the task at hand. Despite the challenges we faced, they never wavered in their determination to recover my assets. Their persistence paid off, and before long, I found myself once again in control of my cryptocurrency.

    The sense of relief and gratitude I felt upon regaining access to my assets is indescribable. Vacumm Cyber Hack Recovery not only restored my financial security but also restored my faith in the power of expertise and professionalism.

    In conclusion, I cannot recommend Vacumm Cyber Hack Recovery highly enough. Their remarkable assistance surpassed all expectations, and I am forever grateful for their invaluable help in navigating this challenging situation.

    Learn More..
    Email: Vacummmhack@consultant.com
    Contact:+39 351 059 0507

  15. EASTER 30/04/2024 at 12:01

    Hulp en financiële financiering
    Hulp voor serieuze mensen die geld nodig hebben voor allerlei activiteiten of projecten. Als je echt geïnteresseerd bent, neem dan contact met mij op via e-mail: (eastherloans@gmail.com) Whatsapp: (+48691506201)

  16. frank 29/04/2024 at 3:52


    It is very important to be vigilant and carry out enough research before investing in crypto. I was among the victims of a huge crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my money.
    I was depressed and thought of giving up until a family friend of mine introduced me to Walldrive Cyber Security Service. This is a professional and reliable crypto recovery company with many years of experience in the recovery business. Walldrive Cyber Security Service was able to assist with the recovery of my lost crypto after I provided them with enough information about the fake investment company. I will warn future crypto investors to be extra cautious and avoid falling for any crypto scam.

    If you need the service of Walldrive Cyber Security Service for the recovery of your crypto, data, or stolen assets, you can reach them via the following information:

    E-mail: admin@weicherthallmarks.com

    WhatsApp: +1 401 219-5530

  17. Westlake Loan 26/04/2024 at 9:31

    Hallo, wir bieten einen Schnellkredit an….
    Sind Sie ein Geschäftsmann oder eine Frau?
    Befinden Sie sich in einer finanziellen Belastung?
    Benötigen Sie einen Kredit, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen?
    Sie haben ein geringes Einkommen und haben Schwierigkeiten, bei örtlichen Banken und anderen Finanzinstituten einen Kredit zu bekommen?
    Hier ist die Antwort auf einen günstigen Zinssatz von 2 %. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt unter Loanwestlake@gmail.com

  18. Francis Paul 26/04/2024 at 0:55

    Good day, my name is Star, and I’m Asian American….
    While looking for help after losing $145k in Cryptocurrency to an unregulated trading platform ( TD Americano ), I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about this Team Recovery. I sent them a direct message, to which the replied and requested some information, which I also provided. After five hours of working with me. and because it took me three weeks to find WILLIAMS Recovery Team, the where able to recover $101,760 worth of Bitcoin out of $145k. Even though the only recovered 90% of my bitcoin, I’m still overjoyed because I didn’t think it was possible. Thanks to team Williams…. If your cryptocurrencies have been stolen in any way, contact Team Williams as soon as possible. Reach them via;
    Mail; info.teamwilliamrecovery@gmail.com

  19. SUNSCROWN FINANCIAL LIMITED 25/04/2024 at 13:53

    LOANS FOR 2% PERSONAL LOAN & BUSINESS LOAN OFFER APPLY NOW CITY FINANCING LOAN OFFER APPLY NOW (all location) Apply for a quick and convenient loan to pay off bills and to start a new financing your projects at a cheapest interest rate of 2%. Do contact us today contact via email: sunscrownfinancialltd@gmail.com WhatsApp OR CALL +919077409349

  20. Nathalie 25/04/2024 at 9:43

    Fraudulent activities is been on a high recently with Bitcoin of which a lot people fall victim to it. When I think about my experiences I laugh a little but then I remember there are thousands of other people who are not as fortunate as I am. I invested in a fake crypto exchange platform that had the most attractive rates I had ever seen. In the end, I realized it was all a slap but I had lost almost $270,000. I got lucky to work with CYBERTRACE, who helped me recover the entire amount. All social media hacking, Whatsapp hacking, Facebook, bad credit fixing, credit card loading, clear criminal records, Bitcoin top up, should you suspect any. Simply contact: Email: (cyberpunk1@cyberservices.com) Recovering from a hacking incident can be a stressful and time consuming process, but Remember to practice good cybersecurity hygiene, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication, to prevent future attacks. For your crypto loss and others get professional help from this source, CYBERPUNK expert and a computer repair technician expert. Be rest assured to claim your loss. Good luck.

  21. Nathalie 25/04/2024 at 9:40

    How To Reclaim Lost Or Stolen Cryptocurrency?I recently came across an Ad concerning a Recovery Expert that specializes in recovering lost Btc/Crypto for Victims that have been scammed. Early last month I lost $110,866.43 in usdt from my crypto.com and Coinbase account to a fake trading investment site. Did some binary options trade and made a balance of $197,310 but since it was a fake site none of this winning was real. Luckily the Expert CYBERPUNK came to my rescue and was able to recover my funds back. I explained my issue to the Specialist and CYBERPUNK worked tirelessly and in a span of 48hrs the Expert recovered the funds back to my wallet. His services are highly professional and I will forever be grateful to the CYBERPUNK.Share your issue through; Support Mail {cyberpunk1 @ cyberservices . c o m}

  22. Nathalie 25/04/2024 at 9:40

    How To Reclaim Lost Or Stolen Cryptocurrency?I recently came across an Ad concerning a Recovery Expert that specializes in recovering lost Btc/Crypto for Victims that have been scammed. Early last month I lost $110,866.43 in usdt from my crypto.com and Coinbase account to a fake trading investment site. Did some binary options trade and made a balance of $197,310 but since it was a fake site none of this winning was real. Luckily the Expert CYBERPUNK came to my rescue and was able to recover my funds back. I explained my issue to the Specialist and CYBERPUNK worked tirelessly and in a span of 48hrs the Expert recovered the funds back to my wallet. His services are highly professional and I will forever be grateful to the CYBERPUNK.Share your issue through; Support Mail {cyberpunk1@cyberservices.com}

  23. Ronie Adkins 24/04/2024 at 19:54


    In the wake of losing access to my Bitcoin trading accounts due to a phishing email mishap, I found myself in a state of panic and despair. Little did I know, this single click would cost me dearly, resulting in the loss of access to my Bitcoin trading accounts and a staggering $30,000 worth of Bitcoin. However, my fortunes took a swift turn for the better when I turned to Spyware Cyber Tool for assistance. With a sense of urgency driving my actions, I initiated the Spyware Cyber platform, hoping against hope that it could help me reclaim what was rightfully mine. To my amazement, within just two hours, Spyware Cyber had successfully tracked down the individuals responsible for the phishing scam and ethically recovered my account with the Bitcoin still intact.Spyware Cyber unparalleled tracking capabilities and ethical approach to recovery set it apart from other tools on the market. Using advanced algorithms and extensive network scanning, the platform identified the perpetrators behind the phishing scheme, leaving no stone unturned in its quest for justice. Armed with irrefutable evidence gathered by Spyware Cyber, I was able to take decisive action against the culprits, holding them accountable for their actions and ensuring that they faced the consequences of their crimes. The recovery process was conducted swiftly and efficiently, thanks to Spyware Cyber’s seamless integration with cryptocurrency exchanges and its commitment to ethical practices. Throughout the ordeal,Spyware Cyber provided me with peace of mind and reassurance, knowing that I had a powerful ally by my side in the fight against cybercrime. Its proactive approach to security and lightning-fast response time gave me the confidence to navigate the digital landscape with renewed vigor and resilience. In the end, Spyware Cyber not only helped me recover my Bitcoin trading accounts but also restored my faith in the power of technology to safeguard our digital assets. Its swift and ethical recovery process served as a beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty, proving that with the right tools and determination, anything is possible. Thanks to Spyware Cyber, I emerged from the ordeal stronger and more resilient than ever before, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. It’s a testament to the incredible capabilities of modern technology and the unwavering commitment of those who fight tirelessly to protect our online security. Your can also bear witness to my testimony, reach Spyware Cyber via:
    Whatsapp: +1 878 271-4102
    Telegram:Spyware Cyber

  24. Jonathan Alex 24/04/2024 at 7:40

    It’s very important to research properly before deciding to invest in cryptocurrency trade. I lost all my crypto funds after falling victim to a crypto scam. Luckily for me, I was able to recover my funds after stumbling on a post made by someone online about CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY, this crypto recovery company was able to recover my stolen crypto within 42 hours. I’m super excited and glad that I was able to get the help that I needed and I recommend their service to everyone out there. They can be reached through the link below.

    Email Address: captainjackcrypto@europe.com

    TELEGRAM: @captainjackcrypto1

    You can also contact them for the service below

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